First Name:
 Last Name:
 Company Name:
 Fax number:
 Your feedback matters to us and will allow us to improve our service to you.
 We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire.
 1. What services did TF Provide you?
        Source Language Target Language:
 Typesetting and Graphics
 Multicultural Marketing
 Other, Please state
 2. When was this service provided?
 Month: Year:
 3. Are you satisfied with the service attitude of our corporate service executive?
 Very satisfied
 Quite satisfied
 Fairly satisfied
 Rather dissatisfied
 Totally dissatisfied
 4. Have you received our translator's resume attached with the quotation?
 5. Are you satisfied with the translation?
 Very satisfied
 Quite satisfied
 Fairly satisfied
 Rather dissatisfied
 Totally dissatisfied
 6. Are you satisfied with the turnaound time of our translation job?
 Very satisfied
 Quite satisfied
 Fairly satisfied
 Rather dissatisfied
 Totally dissatisfied
 7. How do you think of the pricing?
 Well worth it
 Rather expensive
 Not worth it
 8. Are you satisfied with the overall quality of our company?
 Very satisfied
 Quite satisfied
 Fairly satisfied
 Rather dissatisfied
 Totally dissatisfied
 9. Have you used our translation service before?
 The first time
 The second time
 The third time or more
 10. Would you consider using our translation services again?
 11. How do you hear about our service?
 Direct Mail
 Other, Please state
 12. Would you recommend our services to others?
 13. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
We would like to express our gratitude for your precious support!